Hello there! :)
My name is
Name Visible on Login, and I am an IT professional currently employed as a system administrator with a GmbH company. My specialization is into IT infrastructure / DevOps, compliance and security.
Apart from my professional pursuit, I am a true multipotentialite; that part of me encompasses music composing, writing, calisthenics, yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa), and weekly randonneuring.
I also enjoy clubbing at mostly techno, progressive, and house music events.
Well, there is more about my trait: my personality has a blend of western and traditional culture. I am into spirituality, a believer in oneness and absoluteness, non-dualism.
Basically, I'm from Indore (Madhya Pradesh) and am currently working in Bangalore. In the near future, I have plans to settle down in Mumbai or Pune.
Fi: If my profile fascinates you then connect with me over my social accounts. ÂÂ
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