I am looking for a suitable partner for my daughter.She is currently living in Ahmedabad. With hard work and determination in achieving her goals, she has built a successful career. We would want a match who is respectful of elders and loving towards family members.
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
Only Mangliks
Country Living inIndia
State Living inGujarat, Maharashtra
City Living inAhmedabad, Mumbai
Annual IncomeINR 4 lakhs to 30 lakhs
Vegan diet excludes all meat, fish and dairy products as well as any food derived from a living animal such as eggs. A Vegan person is a strict vegetarian, who eats only foods of plant origin.
Veg, Jain, Vegan, Include profiles who are Eggetarian
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