Hello, nd thnk you for visiting! Here's little bout my brother.
We come from well-educted, modern fmily bsed in Bhvngr. Our fmily blends progressive vlues with respect for culturl trditions, embrcing both modernity nd hrmonious lifestyle.
My brother holds B.Tech. in Mechnicl Engineering from reputed university in Gujrt, where he consistently excelled cdemiclly. During his time t university, he lso led the Entrepreneurship Cell, showcsing his ledership nd innovtive spirit. Currently, he mnges our fmily business, nd under his strtegic ledership, it hs experienced stedy growth, reching new heights.
He is outgoing, energetic, nd pssionte bout his creer, but he lso vlues his downtime. He enjoys plying cricket, wtching movies, nd relxing with friends on weekends. An vid trveler, he loves tking breks to explore new plces nd cultures.
Our fmily consists of five members. Our fther is successful businessmn, nd our mother, B.Com. grdute, is
... more dedicted homemker. I, his elder brother, m mrried nd hold B.Tech., currently mnging the fmily business s well. My wife, his sister-in-lw, is M.Com. B.Ed. We re close-knit fmily tht vlues joy, hrmony, nd living life with ese.
He is seeking life prtner who is understnding, cring, nd respectful"someone who cn shre in his vlues nd join him on lifes journey with mutual love and support. Feel free to get in touch for more information.