I am a hard-working, family oriented person. I run a successful business.I honour my tradition and strongly believe in God. An epicure, I like to swim, travel and make memories in simpler things. I would want a partner who understands and values my beliefs, and also helps me to be a better person. I'm looking for companionship with mutual respect and trust.
Religion / CommunityHindu:Sindhi - All, Hindu:Punjabi
Mother TongueSindhi
Manglik / Chevvai dosham
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Country Living inIndia
State Living inGujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
Premium Service
Premium Members are entitled to view horoscope details.