Our son is a shining example of independence, carving his path in life with determination and resilience. His educational pursuits, including a BBA degree, reflect his dedication to personal and professional growth.
His recent vacation to Sikkim showcased his adventurous spirit and desire for exploration, reflecting his bold and adventurous nature. Engaging in activities like gym workouts, he prioritizes his physical well-being, demonstrating a commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle. While he may not be known for his dance moves, his enthusiasm for dancing reflects his outgoing and spirited personality. With a preference for home-cooked meals and a taste for Bollywood movies, he finds comfort and enjoyment in the simple pleasures of life.
In our family, his father runs a wholesale grain merchant business, our son is a beloved member, always present for important occasions and family gatherings. With a close bond with his mother, she serves as his favorite... more go-to person for guidance and support.
Feel free to initiate contact if the above strikes a chord.