New here on the app.
Currently working with AWS in Dallas, Texas on H1-B.
I find Dallas as my second home however I am flexible to relocate.
When I am not entertaining work, I am busy with Gym, Gaming, Stocks, Board Games or if weather is good would go for Hiking, book a plane ticket to random city and explore the nature there.
Much of an extrovert but like small circles. I am a spiritual person and believer of Radhasoami path
Mother TongueMarathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Hindi, Gujarati, English
Country Living inCanada, USA
Vegan diet excludes all meat, fish and dairy products as well as any food derived from a living animal such as eggs. A Vegan person is a strict vegetarian, who eats only foods of plant origin.
Veg, Jain, Vegan, Include profiles who are Eggetarian
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